pre-conception doula services
A three-month 1:1 program focusing on preparing your body, mind, and soul for pregnancy.
add ons
reproductive Immunology testing by world-renowned Reproductive Immunologist and Surgeon Dr. Andrea Vidali ($2,000)
at home male factor infertility analysis through Reprosource Specialty Laboratory
comprehensive Semen Analysis ($352)
advanced Semen Report DNA fragmentation + oxidative stress testing ($472)
dutch hormonal testing and interpretation with Dr. Paige Doughtrey ($550)
concierge OBGYN services for labs and prescriptions with Selah Fertility recommended Dr. Atuma Asiaii (cost based on client needs. Telehealth service)
preconception genetic screening for both partners through SEMA4 (cost based on client needs)
includes genetic counseling if necessary
$2,500 total for three months