choose your journey.

Selah Fertility’s mission is to encourage a proactive approach, leaving no stone unturned, to optimize your wellness and curate your personalized fertility journey.
— Founder & CEO, Laura Fletcher

“There is a lot of fear in the unknown and a lot is unknown when trying to conceive, dealing with pregnancy loss, and while pregnant. Selah's holistic program helps women navigate through these uncertainties by providing education, therapy, and resources that transforms that fear into empowerment.”
-Dr. Atena Asiaii on Selah Fertility

who we help.
Selah Fertility instills confidence and delivers grace to your pregnancies. We deliver the most comprehensive approach to miscarriage, recurrent pregnancy loss, “unexplained” infertility, and secondary infertility.
“unexplained” & secondary infertility
miscarriage & complicated implantation
recurrent pregnancy loss

“I think one of the most frustrating situations in medicine is being told there is no explanation for a problem.”
- Andrea Vidali, M.D.
experts on fertility.
“Our immunology data has also helped us to begin to explain the strong association of immune issues in those with pregnancy failure and endometriosis. An abnormal immune response is also a leading cause of failure to conceive both naturally and with assisted reproductive technology. When these issues are treated, many times I have seen my patients avoid IVF and become pregnant on their own.”
– Jeffrey Braverman, M.D.
The immune system is balanced between a Th1 (autoimmune) and Th2 (pregnancy or suppressive) response. Most people have a balanced system. Women with implantation failure or recurrent pregnancy losses are unbalanced. Immune system abnormalities that compromise fertility or threaten the life of the fetus are relatively easy to identify and treat. In my opinion, there is no reason why women with such problems should not receive proper evaluation and therapy to achieve a more baby friendly balance.”
— Alan E. Beer, M.D.
“There is no doubt that egg quality is very important. However, it is an error to focus on just the eggs rather than considering the interactions of the genetics of the mother and the father and their whole immune/genetic and immune system relationship.”
— Professor and OBGYN Gamal Matthias

contact us.

what people are saying…
“Laura Fletcher is a beacon of hope for all women who are experiencing fertility challenges. Her energy, determination and focus to seek out answers and overcome challenges is an inspiration. The path to motherhood is not always easy. Living with unexplained fertility challenges and trauma that comes along with that can leave you feeling lost and isolated. Laura is such a blessing in my life and her energy and words of encouragement and love supported me throughout my journey and pregnancy. I stand by and fully support her mission to empower women everywhere to seek answers and realize their dream of becoming a mother.”
— Aleksandra Clack, Mother
“I’ve had the honor of knowing Laura Fletcher since 2019. In the time since we have been introduced, we have become fast friends and Laura is an import person to me in my community of people I rely on for support, empowerment, and care. I know, as I’m sure the rest of her community knows, Laura can absolutely be counted on to be totally invested in people’s growth and healing.”
— Dr. Saima Bhatti LAC, DOM